Wednesday 16 October 2013

Son of Rosemary by Ira Levin

Publisher: Dutton Books
Publish Date: September 1, 1997
Pages: 272
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0525943747

Son of Rosemary opens at the dawn of the new millennium – a time when human hope is shadowed by growing fear and uncertainty, and the world is in greatest need of a saviour.  It is here – against a glittering backdrop of New York City in 1999 – that Rosemary is reunited with her son.  It is also here that the battle between good and evil will play out on a global scale – a struggle that will have frightening, far-reaching consequences, not only for Rosemary and her son but for all humanity. 

My Thoughts
Well this book wasn't near what Rosemary's Baby was, so much that I didn't finish it.  I tried, I really really did!  I struggled for weeks and only got 80 pages read before I finally gave up and returned it to the library.  After, I read some reviews about it because I was still interested in the outcome.  Goodreads reviewer didn't have anything good to say about it and a number of people seemed angry about the ending of this sequel because it ruined the first book.  Now I wish I had read the last 5 pages (as suggested by numerous reviewer) before I had returned it, as that seems to be where it all unraveled.  Since I didn't finish this book I can not give it an honest review.

My Rating: 0 Stars (Did Not Finish)

Buy it Now!

The reviews made here are my personal opinion. I’m not being paid to review any of these books. I am by no means a professional book reviewer or editor.  I do this for the love of books.

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