
Reading the Classics!

February 23, 2014
And I've also finished The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Have seen the movie a million times and read the book a few times when I was still remains a favourite of mine.  It was chosen as a group read on goodreads so I took the opportunity to do the re-read.  Still remains timeless.

Seems I'm on a roll (is 2 a roll?) with the Classics...trying to fit in 1 a month unless its a monster book like a number of classics are.  I voted for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer of  group read on goodreads so fingers crossed!

February 19, 2014
Made it through A Tale of Two Cities...whew!  Probably didn't understand what I was reading some of the time, but I got the jist of it.  

January 15, 2014
YAY!! Finally finished my first classic!  No, Not A Tale of Two Cities (still working on) but I started a smaller project.  Read Peter Pan, something light, easy and so cute! Check off my list :)

January 6, 2014
I'm still plugging away at A Tale of Two Cities...

December 25, 2013
So I've really been sucking the big one with the whole Classic Reading challenge I'm trying.  I told myself I would read A Christmas Carol and never got around it to.  I'm stuck working this fine Christmas Day and though I would sit down to read it and of course all copies are signed out at the library.  So I settled on A Tale of Two Cities, which isn't Christmasy but it will do.  And I swear I'm going to stick with this one! I swear!

October 16, 2013
So Son of Rosemary SUCKED!! I only got 80 pages read before I gave up and took it back to the library.  What a shame, I'm not usually a quitter when it comes to books but I just couldn't do it.

So at the beginning of the month I started reading Les Miserable and WOW!  It's so much harder to read than I had anticipated.  It's extremely long, I haven't found much of a story line yet (which I'm assured it's there) and the author goes off and talks about something totally unrelated... 

I'm going to keep plugging away!

September 30, 2013
So finished Rosemary's Baby, really enjoyed it although it wasn't as "horror" as I thought it would be, creepy but defiantly not scary.  I put a hold on the sequel, Son of Rosemary from the library and am hoping to pick it up today! 

September 27, 2013
Ok, so I've mentioned how I'm going to start stimulating my brain a little more (you mean Chick-lit doesn't?) and read some classics so I've been doing my research!  I've come across a website that has complied a list of what they believe (there are hundreds of lists out there) to be the "100 Greatest Novels of All Time."  Why did I choose this one?  Well I did look at multiple lists and just felt like this one had more recognizable titles, not to say I'm going to stick to only this list, but this will give me a good jumping point.  So according to that list - 14 of them I own and 6 I have already read:
 25. Little Women
48. The Great Gatsby
52. As I Lay Dying
53. Brave New World (a high school requirement)
59. Nineteen Eight-Four (another high school requirement)
63. Charlotte's Web (because who hasn't?)

So begins my task! I will be updating my reading status, current reads, thoughts and anything "Classic" related on this page.  Although I may not review all them (who knows if I'll even understand what I'm reading, may have to hit up sparknotes) I'll at least give my 2 cents on the book.

First up is Rosemary's Baby which was picked for my online book club as a spooky read for October.  Since it's my first true horror novel (written in 1967) I'm debating whether I should read it before bed or not!  Will keep you posted.

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