About Me

I've always been an avid reader, right from a very young age.  If you know me, you know there is a good chance I always have a book on me, whether it's in my purse, luggage or beach bag -  it's there somewhere. 

I never judge a book by it's cover, the most ghastly cover could end up delivering the most beautiful story and I never base a book by it's review, everyone absorbs a story in their own way and takes something different away with them.  To me, every book deserves a fair chance.

I'll read anything once, twice if I really love it and every genre is accepted, although I do prefer some over others.  A few of my favourites are; Fiction, Historical Fiction, Chick-lit and Mystery.  Depending on my current mood (or how much thought I want to put into a story) usually decides my current selection(s).

Like I've mentioned in a few spots on my blog, these reviews are my personal opinion.  I don't receive any perks from authors for reviewing their books.  I am by no means a professional book reviewer or editor.  I do this for the love of books.

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