Friday 29 November 2013

Skipping Christmas by John Grisham

Publisher: DoubleDay
Publish Date: November 6, 2001
Format: download library
Pages: - 
ISBN: - 

Imagine a year without Christmas.  No crowded malls, no corny office parties, no fruitcakes, no unwanted presents.  That’s just was Luther and Nora Krank have in mind when they decide that, just this once, they’ll skip the holiday all together.  Theirs will be the only house on Hemlock Street without a rooftop Frosty; they won’t be hosting their annual Christmas Eve bash; they aren't even going to have a tree.  They won’t need one, because come December 25 they’re setting sail on a Caribbean cruise.  But, as this weary couple is about to discover, skipping Christmas brings enormous consequences – and isn't half as easy as they’d imagined.

My Thoughts

I thought that was hilarious.  I did see the movie a few years ago when it first came out and the movie stayed true to the novel - very similar and just as funny.  A nice short  predictable read, finished it in only a few hours.  

Got me in the Christmas mood.

My Rating:««««

The reviews made here are my personal opinion. I’m not being paid to review any of these books. I am by no means a professional book reviewer or editor.  I do this for the love of books.

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