Saturday 14 March 2015

One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

Publisher: Penguin Audio
Publish Date: July 1, 2014
Format: Audio
Discs: 10
ISBN: 9781611762730

Suppose your life sucks. A lot. Your husband has done a vanishing act, your teenage stepson is being bullied and your math whiz daughter has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you can’t afford to pay for. That’s Jess’s life in a nutshell—until an unexpected knight-in-shining-armor offers to rescue them. Only Jess’s knight turns out to be Geeky Ed, the obnoxious tech millionaire whose vacation home she happens to clean. But Ed has big problems of his own, and driving the dysfunctional family to the Math Olympiad feels like his first unselfish act in ages . . . maybe ever

My Thoughts

Jojo Moyes is an author that I either really love her work or it is just so-so.  I really wanted to love this book but it was just so-so.  I listened to this on audio and found it enjoyable to listen to and thoroughly enjoyed all 4 narrators, even if they were British, but the story itself I just didn't love.  I am really struggling with why I didn't love it and have yet to come to a conclusion and for that reason this review will be short and sweet.  I did enjoy that last quarter though and even found myself getting a bit choked up over Norman - how can you not love a huge lug of a dog?

I would still recommend this novel - 3 star books are still worth reading.

My Rating: «««

The reviews made here are my personal opinion. I’m not being paid to review any of these books. I am by no means a professional book reviewer or editor.  I do this for the love of books.

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