Saturday 14 March 2015

China Dolls by Lisa See

Publisher: Random House
Publish Date: June 3, 2014
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9780812992892

In 1938, Ruby, Helen and Grace, three girls from very different backgrounds, find themselves competing at the same audition for showgirl roles at San Francisco's exclusive "Oriental" nightclub, the Forbidden City. Grace, an American-born Chinese girl has fled the Midwest and an abusive father. Helen is from a Chinese family who have deep roots in San Francisco's Chinatown. And, as both her friends know, Ruby is Japanese passing as Chinese. At times their differences are pronounced, but the girls grow to depend on one another in order to fulfill their individual dreams. Then, everything changes in a heartbeat with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Suddenly the government is sending innocent Japanese to internment camps under suspicion, and Ruby is one of them. But which of her friends betrayed her?

My Thoughts

Lisa See is an author I have long been wanting to dive into and I was somewhat disappointed.  This book was just ok and I expected a lot more with all the novels See already has under her belt.  I couldn't relate to any of the characters and they all just fell flat and frankly were boring and shallow.  The whole thing just left me scratching my head wondering why these 3 girls were ever friends.  Each chapter was narrated by either Grace, Helen or Ruby and I had a hard time keeping track of who was narrating.  I would have to go back to the beginning to find out who's POV I was reading about. Also sometimes the story was choppy - there wasn't good flow going into the next chapter.

The writing was terrible, terrible, terrible (see what I did there.)  I found it juvenile and poorly put together.  I've read other reviews who stat her other books are beautifully written so I don't know where she went wrong with this one.

I really enjoyed the history and cultural tone of the novel and the Chop Suey Circuit is something I had never heard of prior to reading this novel.  The rich history and detailing of the era is what saved this read for me. 

My Rating: «««
Buy it Now!

The reviews made here are my personal opinion. I’m not being paid to review any of these books. I am by no means a professional book reviewer or editor.  I do this for the love of books.

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