Thursday 12 March 2020

The Orphan House by Anne Bennett

The Orphan House by Anne Bennett
Publish Date: February 28, 2020

Baby born September 5th 1934 approximately. Place of birth, unknown; father, unknown; mother unknown.

Present day. Sarah Jennings knows there’s one place she can go to find some peace and quiet during her difficult divorce. But arriving at her beloved father’s home in the countryside, she finds him unwell and hunched over boxes of files, studying the records from Cedar Hall, the crumbling orphanage in town. He says that hidden behind the wrought iron gates and overgrown ivy are secrets about their family, and he asks for her help.

Sarah goes to speak to Connie Burroughs, the only person left alive who lived at Cedar Hall. Her questions take Connie from the comfort of her nursing home right back to a chilly night in 1934, when as a little girl she saw her own father carrying a newborn baby, bundled in rags, that he said he’d found near the broken front gate. The day Connie began to protect his secrets.

But just as Sarah begins to convince Connie that the truth can set her free, she realizes that unlocking the past might have heartbreaking consequences…

My Thoughts
While I did really enjoy the concept and story line of this novel, it was just a bit too drawn out for me. I enjoyed the different POV's and time periods the story is told in and found it very easy to follow. There constantly was suspense build-up that it almost seemed to be too much at times. Not that I don't enjoy a good chapter cliff hanger, but it was just build-up, build-up, build-up that it almost seemed too predictable of what was coming next. When Connie's big family secret was finally revealed, it was very obvious and felt anticlimactic. I almost wish Sarah's story line did not have a love story element, she was a strong enough character that she did not need it. Also really liked Anna's story line and wish there had almost been more of her's. Overall a quick but satisfying read that focuses on family, faith and finding the truth.

Many thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for and ARC in exchange for an honest review.

My Rating: «««
The reviews made here are my personal opinion. I’m not being paid to review any of these books. I am by no means a professional book reviewer or editor.  I do this for the love of books. 

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